
on Saturday, June 13, 2009

What exactly caused recession ? Recession is the cause of continuos printing of the money, causing it to be less valuable as it used to be. When this happens, the price of food went up, people got retrenched just because the employer is cutting cost. Every one is suffering. So in recession , market price will drop drastically, creating a bear market. This is the time to search for bargains.Real Bargains. I mean since the money you are holding on is losing its value, why not juts invest on some stocks that are currently undervalued and stable. Its always better to make some realistic and good investment rather than just holding on to your money which will slowly losses its value as time passes by. I must agree that not all stocks are good and steady stocks. So, I advised that we should all do our " Research " before buying anything in the market. Its always a good thing to do research beofre doing something else.


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